Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My First Reaction

Hi, my name is Kelli and welcome to my newest journey. Haha! I didn't want this to sound corny but hey, this is my first attempt. I started this blog to chronicle my personal experiences in my first advertising class at SJSU. Growing up I have always been a very creative and imaginative kid, so it was only natural that advertising would be a great major to have. Something about how clever some of the advertising tactics are really amuse me. I love it when a commercial makes me stop what I am doing and pay attention. However, advertising does have its downsides. For example, the constant in-your-face persistence of an ad. I of all people will be the first one to admit avoiding regular T.V at all costs due to the dull, reoccurring and annoying advertisements.  And it's not just limited to T.V, I am sure you have all wanted to commit a crime when you were on the last level of your favorite cell phone game, then WHAM an ad pops up. I can't be to upset though because I understand it's just a strategy. Now I'll wrap up the blog today but I will leave you with one of my favorite advertisements...Enjoy 

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