As much as I want to question why we still stereotype in advertisements today, I just can't imagine ads without them. What I mean is what would be left? Just imagine trying to sell a pair of girls shoes but you can't put just girls in the ad because that would be deemed a gender stereotype. In a world where everyone seems to have a problem with something its hard to figure out whats acceptable. Honestly, it's tiring even thinking about all the problems someone can have with a certain advertisement. To me there is nothing wrong with a little gender stereotyping like displayed in the diet coke commercial that poked innocent fun at a stereotypical girls fantasy. Below is the commercial that the professor displayed on Wednesday. Yes, the stereotype of the man mowing the lawn and the girls gossiping is a little much, but I think this ad is funny and original which sticks out in the mostly man pleasing ad selection. I know two wrongs don't make a right when the tables are turned but why not? We both know Carl's Jr. ads featuring half naked women aren't going away so why not make an even playing field? I am not gonna lie if I was at the park with my friends and this happened we would have acted the same way so I can't judge.
However, that Rose Petal Cottage ad was a clear overstepping of boundaries in gender stereotyping.
The Cottage ad was just overkill on so many levels, from the song that was high-pitched to the little girl doing house chores. Seems like a commercial stuck in the past along with old traditional values. This is the type of commercial that enters a touchy subject, especially since it was imposed on little girls. What makes me really upset is this is what innocent children are watching mostly without parental supervision. I really feel like there should be some type of stricter guidelines when it comes to ads on children's channels. I wish I could just sit here and tell you whats wrong and whats right but truth is it really just depends on the ad and how you use the stereotype that makes it either acceptable or comically bad like the Cottage ad.
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