Tuesday, March 5, 2013

WWF: Advertising Methods

I picked the World Wildlife Fund as my topic because I really admire their campaign.  When doing a little research on some of their ads I came across this...
I know this is not exactly "digital" campaign like a social network campaign but I believe this is equally efficient.  In this ad we have a bathroom paper towel dispenser shown in three different shots.  As you can see there is a cut out of South America and the more you use the towels the cutout turns black.  This is used to show you that by using these towels you are destroying South American rain forests.  It's quite a clever idea and makes makes you a part of the issue because you are physically contributing to the loss of paper.  Upon further research I found that this ad was done by Saatchi and Saatchi which the professor talked about in class on Monday.  This explains the aggressiveness and directness of the message that WWF wanted to get across.

Above is a screenshot from a website detailing WWF's recent digital campaign.  As you can see they have created an app that allows you to get closer with your favorite animal.  By doing so it is probably more likely that you would donate for the cause.  This to is a very smart idea by WWF because again it is making the audience more aware and makes it a personal problem for the individual by bringing in something they care for like an animal.  Similar to the commercials that had sad music and abused animals this app allows the audience you get a emotional reaction from the experience. 

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