Friday, April 19, 2013

The Most Annoying Thing....Ever

When it comes to one of the most annoying things ever I think interruptive advertising takes the cake.  It used to be just TV ads that used to drive you insane.  But now they have music interrupting ads, online ads, YouTube ads, and god forbid we are able enter a website without an ad.  It has to be hands down one of my biggest annoyances and most likely yours.  Sadly, I thought I had found an answer to my problems when my family got a DVR for the TV, but thats not the case.  Let me tell you that is the best invention ever...but then whenever I wanted to watch a TV show or YouTube video on my computer I was once again stuck with ads.  I probably wouldn't be so annoyed if a particular ad was given to me once while I was watching my show on the ABC app, but they tend to use the same ad the entire show.  Thanks to them I have no desire to ever return to Disneyland ever again after watching the "happiest place on earth" unfold before my eyes about 50 times in one month.  The elephant in the room is no longer TV, however, it is still tied to media.  If we need to have ads shoved down our throat fine...but please, please, please make creative and entertaining ads that keep information to a minimum.  Then just maybe consumers would be able to tolerate it and not have a negative feeling towards the product.  It's all about the conviction.

Here's what drives me crazy at the moment haha...relate??

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